This thesis aims to provide insight into the psychological and mental aspects by drawing parallels with fundamental physical and biochemical energy processes.
The focus of this study is on the mental and psychological processes, particularly the concepts of consciousness and intelligence, which are the basis of psychotherapy.

Energy-Oriented Psychotherapy

Energy Processes in Personality Dynamics

My research aimed to facilitate the development of a new level of psychotherapeutic expertise by promoting a holistic understanding of human consciousness and intelligence across all levels of existence, including the psyche, emotional, and somatic realms.

This study examines the objective of energy processes that form the basis of personality dynamics, including cognitive functions, personal growth, and transpersonal interactions.

A comprehensive understanding of the essential energy processes represents a significant advance in knowledge beyond the scope of even neuroscience. It provides a fundamental and integrated perspective on mental, somatic and psychological processes.

© Anna Armbruster 2019-2025, contact me for research collaboration or to use any part of my study and these texts

Energy processes in human personality dynamics
Consciousness is a physical process caused by the organisation of energy in the brain (Robert Pepperell, 2018)
The perception of energy processes in the human psyche is often stigmatised in modern medicine and clinical psychotherapy. The concept of psychological and mental energy is still used only as a metaphor.

Nevertheless, the energy processes in the human mind and emotions are not radically different from those in the physical body, or even in a broader sense from sound or heat waves. The phenomenon of energy is identical in all processes, whether in the atom, the transformer, the computer or the human being. This is because energy is the essential property of matter that drives everything in the universe, including dynamics of personality.

The concept of viewing personality dynamics as an energetic process is not a novel one. The APA Dictionary of Psychology (2018) asserts that in classical psychoanalytic theory, the psychic or mental energy is posited as the dynamic force behind the instincts, drives and mental processes.

Many pioneering figures in the fields of neurobiology, psychology, and physiology have situated energy at the core of their theoretical frameworks: Gustav Fechner (1905), William James (1907), Sigmund Freud (Gay, 1988), Charles Sherrington (1940) Hermann von Helmholtz (in Cahan, 1995) and others.

In the last decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in the scientific community in the field of energetic or thermodynamic-related theories of consciousness, with research being conducted in a number of different scientific disciplines.

Among the others is Dr. William A.Tiller, professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, USA, who has initiated the Copernican-Scale revolutionary research on Subtle Energies, Intentionality & Consciousness (1997, 2007). The other notable authors are Deacon (2013); Collell and Fauquet (2015); Annila (2016); Street, 2016; Tozzi et al., 2016; Marchetti, 2018 and in the field of philosophy of mind (Strawson, 2008, 2017).

Neuroscientist Harris R. Lieberman (2007) defined the term “mental energy” as the ability or willingness to engage in cognitive work. While physical energy can be objectively defined, the concept of mental energy is a relatively new one. Mental energy can be understood as a mood, but it can also be described as the ability or willingness to engage in cognitive work. H.Lieberman offers a number of methods that can be used to assess mental energy, including tests of cognitive performance, mood questionnaires, electrophysiological techniques, brain scanning technologies, and ambulatory monitoring.

There is no consensus among scientists as to the precise definition of the term 'mental energy'. From a psychotherapeutic perspective, the objective of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the nature of mental energy in relation to consciousness.

Robert Pepperell (2018) from Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, suggests to view consciousness as a physical process caused by the organisation of energy in the brain. It can be posited that physical processes occur in time and space and are causally determined by the actions of energy, forces, and work upon matter.

Johnjoe McFadden (2002) academic and professor of Molecular Genetics at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom has proposed the electromagnetic theories of consciousness. Thoughts are viewed as electromagnetic representations of neuronal information.

Susan Pockett, a neurophysiologist from New Zealand, has put forth a theory that shares a similar physical foundation with McFadden's. This theory posits that consciousness can be understood as a specific type of spatio-temporal pattern within the electromagnetic field (2000, 2012).

In practice, a technique known as BCI (brain-computer interface) is developed based on the analysis of spatio-temporal electrical signals of the brain. BCI is based on the direct conversion of the user's intentions, as reflected in the recorded spatio-temporal electrical signals of the brain, into control commands.

Many Russian scientists and specialists from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Burdenko National Medical Research Centre for Neurosurgery, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, are currently engaged in further research and development of exoskeleton control systems that operate directly from the brain.

These systems work on the method of electroencephalography, which is used to decipher a person's intention to type a particular letter on a computer screen. This technology is similar to the one, tried by Stephen Hawking, prior choosing the Intel project instead.

Dr. Alexander Kaplan, psychophysiologist, professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, head of the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurointerfaces at the Faculty of Biology, confirmed that with the help of the so-called Neurocommunicator patients can switch on and off household appliances without any physical assistance, without using muscular effort and using only mental commands. The Neurocommunicator is currently being tested in a neurological clinic and neurorehabilitation centers.

Such fundamental organisations as Institute of Electronic Control Machines (INEUM of I.N. Bruk) in collaboration with the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Neurointerfaces led by Dr. Kaplan and companies Roselectronics Holding of Rostec State Corporation, Neurobotik, Android Systems and is engaged in the development and production of neural interface systems for the control of prosthetic limbs, exoskeletons, phantoms of limbs and wheelchairs.

The practical application of brain-computer interfaces lends support to the concept of psychosomatic unity and the notion that brain waves in the form of thoughts, will, impulses, intentions, or emotions are analogous to other physical energy waves in the universe, as proposed in this thesis.

According to researchers, the concept of consciousness as a mental activity cannot be reduced to the study of neural activity alone. Dr. Nir Lahav (2022), a physicist from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, proposes that the investigation of consciousness should be conducted with the same mathematical tools that physicists employ in their study of other known relativistic phenomena.

Dr. Holly Pollard-Wright (2021, 2022) has developed a transdisciplinary theory of mind, called the Feelings of Knowing - Fundamental Interoceptive Patterns. Dr. Pollard-Wright used the unified theory of physics and biological information through consciousness, where the mind is seen as the energies of relationships. According to this theory, affective states are the primary source of emotional and perceptual experiences; emotions, thoughts, and memories constitute the content of consciousness. The capacity of living organisms to respond with anticipation is dependent on their sensitivity to bodily sensations.

It is of significant importance to highlight that the concept of consciousness occurring within the brain suggests that consciousness is a subjective experience intrinsic to the human condition. Isolated from the body, the brain is unable to maintain consciousness. (Pepperell, 1995).

The ideas of Pollard-Wright, Pepperell, and other modern scientists are not novel; rather, they align with the existing theories of bioenergetic understanding of personality proposed by Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen. The common ground between all these theories lies in the connection between the three fundamental dimensions of personality dynamics: (1) psycho-, (2) emo-, and (3) somatic. These dimensions mutually reinforce and influence each other and have one source - the energy.

A significant discovery that altered the scientific understanding of the mind-emo-body connection at the moment belongs to Dr. Candace Pert, who was a Research Professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, USA. Dr. Pert asserts that emotions are not merely the result of chemical processes within the brain. They are electrochemical signals that convey emotional messages throughout the body. (Pert C., 2007)

In the same sense that chemistry is impossible without physics, emotions should be regarded as chemical and physical processes: “It is chemistry, but it’s also physics and vibrations.” (Pert C., 1999) Neurotransmitters are chemicals that facilitate the movement of electrical charge across neuronal membranes. The electrical signals that operate within our brains and bodies influence how cells communicate and perform their functions.

In 2014 the Finnish research group from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science and Brain Research Unit of the Aalto University put forth the hypothesis that emotions are represented in the somatosensory system as culturally universal categorical somatotopic maps (Harib R.). Research shows the map of emotions as energy radiation in the body.

A more profound interconnection between the mind, emotions and body can be observed in the James-Lange theory of emotion. The theory suggests that physiological changes occur before the experience of the associated emotion. In summary, emotions are derived from one's interpretation of physical sensations.

In a 2010 study, psychologists Dr. Hilary Stokes and Dr. Kim Ward posited that quantum mechanics can be applied to the understanding of the universe as a whole. They proposed that all phenomena, including thoughts and emotions, can be understood as manifestations of energy as a wave with specific frequencies. These waves record and carry information in a particular form, namely sound, heat, or light.

The principles of quantum mechanics demonstrate how the frequency of any wave can be modified through the superposition or interference of waves. Similarly, psychotherapy interventions can facilitate the alteration and transformation of thoughts and emotions.

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